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Amanda Ebeye Pays No Mind To People Who Have Named Her Prostitute - Naija Info - ECHOnigeria

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Amanda Ebeye Pays No Mind To People Who Have Named Her Prostitute by Amos123(: 1:00 pm

Clinic Matters’ star actress, Amanda Ebeye, who had a son in Canada last November, had kept her relationship private and is yet to return to Nigeria since then.

In this interview, Ebeye denies the rumour that she had the child for a certain married man, she also gives reason why she is still unmarried and why people call her prostitute.


You’ve been away from the movie industry for a while, does that make you feel bad?

It doesn’t. I would be back soon. But for now, I need to look into other fields and improve myself. I’m currently in a film school in Canada.


When should your fans expect you back to Nigeria?

I’ll be done with school in 2018, so I would be back at that time. But I have a couple of projects I would come into the country to work on. I’m not around but they would still see my work. When I’m back fully people would get a more improved me and they would be glad I took this break.

How do you cope with school and single parenting?

I cope perfectly. I take my son to daycare after which I go to school. When I’m done, I’ll pick him up and we go home. When he’s awake, I’m doing what I have to do. Then when he is sleeping, I sleep a little too. I just work around him. Everything I do has to correspond with his and it makes parenting so much easier that way.

You faced lots of criticism on social media after the birth of your son, how do you handle critics generally?

(Smiles) Na dem get their mouth. It doesn’t affect me one bit.

Has criticism ever made you cry or regret getting pregnant in the first place?

Nobody in this world can make me regret having my son. That’s the best decision I ever made in my life. Do people cry because of social media? I doubt it.

I read in one of your interviews that you are not in good terms with your baby daddy, has that changed?

Yes! We are in good terms. People fight and people make up. We’ve made up.

Has he seen his son?

Yes, he has.

Is marriage plans coming up soonest?

Hmmm. (Laughter)

Talking about family, how did your parents react when they knew you got pregnant out of wedlock?

My mum told me it’s my life, my decision and not hers. I have amazing parents. I have done my obligations as a child. I got my Bachelor of Arts degree when I was 19+. And I made a decision (to have a kid) when I was 29. So, there’s really nothing to worry about.

So, you got your Bachelor of Arts degree at 19?

Yes, I studied International Studies and Diplomacy at Benson Idahosa University, Benin City.

Even with some stubborn male fans?

I have heard some people call me prostitute probably because of a role I played in a film. At that time, I was officially deaf. I didn’t bother myself with the comments. I’m of the school of thought that you’ve got to do your roles the best way you can, to make them real. Let it be believable then you’ve done your job. If I play a role of a prostitute and someone sees me and says ‘ha, I watched you, I know you’re not like that but you tried’. Then I have failed in my delivery. But if you see me and feel I am one of those call girls who hang around at night at Allen Roundabout, then I have done my job well as an actor and I deserved the money I got paid.

Last year, your mum remarried and tongues wagged that you remained single while your mother got hooked, how did you handle the situation?

I didn’t even know people felt that way. People said this; people said that, na dem sabi.

Dating and having a child for a married man unknowingly, you might have learned one or two lessons, what’s your advise to ladies about men?

First of all, it’s very pathetic that a blog would not confirm its news first before posting. How can they just sit, imagine and sell lies to the public?

They claimed I got pregnant for a man that I met once in my life at a function. This same man is a happily married man with children. He has them all over. How could that man have denied his status to anyone? Do they want to break the man’s home? I don’t know what they are talking about. Then they photo shopped my son’s picture with him and put it on the Internet. My son would grow up and wonder why that ever happened.

Please, my son’s father is not married, and that man (in the picture) is not my son’s father. It’s just a figment of someone’s imagination and the person was trying to make his or her story sweet. These people should confirm their stories before they post.


The post Amanda Ebeye Pays No Mind To People Who Have Named Her Prostitute appeared first on Nigerian Celebrity News + Latest Entertainment News.

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